Upside Down
Outrageous Video's

Johnny Neurotic


show promo 2005

Johnny Neurotic LIVE: promo
Nov. 2005

"Johnny Neurotic LIVE" from Upside-down TV.

Johnny Neurotic and his effervescent side-kick, Bridget "The Midget" Powerz,
host a 30-minute live talk show in a humorous, satirical and hyperactive-tilted style.

It's "Mystery Science Theater" crossed with "Wayne's World" in the tradition of
"Jack Paar/Steve Allen & Cirque de Soleil" with a pinch of "The Howdy Doody Show"
- once removed.

They'll review the supermarket tabloids and visit with interesting, eccentric, artistic friends, musicians,
Hollywood's "known and unknowns," all while taking live phone calls
A zany mix of pranks, amusement and improvisation!

We definitely feel our show would be a fitting addition to your NETWORK, giving your channel something truly unique and a genuine twist on routine talk show programming.

Since November 2001, Johnny Neurotic, aka John Mendel and Brian Stuart Hanish have been producing this show for Los Angeles local cable channels. Over 60 episodes are currently showing in re-runs on Time Warner Cable Hollywood Channel 24, Monday nights at 6:00 pm.


© 10-2005

paradox studio netwerk

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